Thursday, December 6, 2012

Alternate World

Alternate World

I use symbolism through out my whole project. The Angel is a symbol of my grandmother that died when my mom was only 3 years old. I never met her but I know she is still always there watching over me. The hawk flying above is a representation of my Uncle that just passed away in January. He was one of my closest Uncles and he always went haunting for birds with my dad. The picture of NYC is a symbol of the beautiful city. It reminds me of all of the times me, my family, and friends have gone and made so many memories. The two people on the beach are me and my little sister, Ava, she means the world to me. She is my other half without her I'd be totally different. The dog is mine, her name is Stormy. She is the best dog in the world, she is obedient, sweet and loving. Finally the word love in the water is just the definition of all of the pictures put together into one. Some things I learned while doing this project are how to make shadows and also how to liquify the image. I am proud of the way a used shadows and how I made the image look so real. Some thing I could improve on is the placement of my objects. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hybrid Animal


I chose the giraffe because i have alway liked their print on their skin forever, and they i touched one in Florida over the summer. Ever since then it has been my favorite animal. I chose the ostrich just because i thought it would look somewhat normal and it did. its environment is in Africa in the grasslands. the girstrich is a herbivore the eat leaves off of tall trees. My girstrich is a female and she is strolling with her offspring in Africa.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Kaleidoscope Summary.

Kaleidoscope Project

Bambi Kaleidoscope

Abstract Kaleidoscope

Black & White Kaleidoscope


 I demonstrated symmetry by duplicating layers and keeping all of the duplications similar squares. I also rotated each square to make diamonds, and had everything centered.I was creative and duplicated many layers and made them look cool. I used a black and white drawing and moved the squares around to make it look like a bug out, i inverted circles in each corner and in the middle of each square. I then made one that was a scene out of the movie Bambi. I duplicated it 6 times then inverted a circle in the center. I just made this one look like diamonds inside of each other, it makes me dizzy just looking at it. The last one I did was following the directions, it was a abstract colorful art piece. I made it look like a flower kind of. it has an inverted center also. I cut the picture in half more precisely, I centered them better and I used better images that made it look more like a kaleidoscope.I really enjoyed this project after i understood what to do. At first I didn't understand what the directions were telling me to do but after I read through them I understood and made the kaleidoscopes.I think my strength for this project was using all of the selection tools for the right reasons. Also I think i did a good job rotating the squares and keeping them centered for the most part.